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PP can play any windows media files supported by Microsoft DirectX 8, including music and movies. This works the same way as it plays photos. To play background music, however, you have to add them to a background music list. PP provides you with a music list editor for doing this job.

·Background music list editor: by clicking this item, you bring up the music list editor. You can add, remove and reorder your music files in the list.  
·Mute: this only mute the background music. It has no effect on the foreground music or movie.  
·Previous music item: play the previous music file in the list  
·Next music item: self explainable.  
·Music list: this item lists all your available background music files as submenu items. It displays the current music and you can jump to any other item directly. If there is no music file in the list, clicking this item bring up the Background music list editor.  

See also

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